How to apply for membership in ICSI

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI)


A person who has passed the Final examination of the Institute and has completed the prescribed practical training requirements or exempted there from shall be entitled to get himself enrolled as an Associate Member. On his admission to Associateship, he is entitled to use the descriptive letters ACS after his name to denote that he is an Associate member of the Institute and also to use his designation Company Secretary after his name.


Requirements for enrolment as ACS

  1. Submit Application in Form-A (available on the web-site of the Institute) complete in all respects duly signed by the candidate alongwith fee as per details given below
    1. Associate Entrance fee Rs. 1500/-
    2. Associate annual membership fee Rs. 1125/- (*)
    3. Neck Tie - Rs. 500/- Lady Brooch Rs. 100/- (Optional) ;
    4. (*) Rs. 562.50 if admitted during 1st October to 31st March.
      1. The fee may be remitted by way of demand draft or local cheque drawn in favour of The Institute of Company Secretaries of India, payable at New Delhi
      2. or through online gateway payment.
      3. The same may also be paid in cash at the counter of the Institutes Head Quarter or Regional Offices/ Chapter offices located at Mumbai, Kolkata, New Delhi, Chennai and Ahmedabad, Banglaore, Chandigarh, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Pune respectively. Out station cheques will not be accepted.
  2. Copies of certificates to be attached:-
    1. Date of birth certificate and educational qualifications (graduation and other qualifications if any) duly attested by the member of the Council/Regional Council/Managing Committee of the Chapter/Satellite Chapter or Executive Officers/any Officer of the Institute.
    2. Two fitness certificates from two members of the Institute having standing of at least three years of the Institute.
    3. Mark-sheets CS Final Examination (All the groups)
    4. Proof of completion of Training requirements including SMTP.
    5. Specimen signature card with coloured passport size photograph.
    6. Separate Application form for enrolment as member of Company Secretaries Benevolent Fund with DD/Cheque for Rs. 7500/- drawn in favour of Company Secretaries Benevolent Fund towards subscription for Life Membership. One time payment (eligible for tax exemption under section 80G of the Income Tax Act. (Optional).



(Pursuant to regulation 54)

Certified that Mr./Ms. _____________________________________________________
who is applying for being admitted as an Associate member of The Institute of Company Secretaries of India” and claims to have acquired necessary practical experience and undergone the prescribed practical training, is in my opinion, a fit and appropriate person to be admitted to the membership of the Institute.
Date :____________
Place :____________
Signature _________________
Membership No. ACS/FCS_______


A person is entitled to get himself enrolled as a Fellow, if he is an Associate Member for atleast five years and fulfills the conditions as stipulated in Regulation 4(2) of the Company Secretaries Regulations, 1982 which provides as under:-

No person shall be entitled to have his name entered in the Register as a Fellow unless he/she

  1. was a Fellow (including Honorary Fellow) of the dissolved company immediately before the commencement of the Act; or
  2. was admitted as a Fellow under the earlier regulations; or
  3. is an Associate and has been in continuous practice in India as Company Secretary for at least five years; or
  4. is an Associate for a continuous period of not less then five years and possesses experience of not less than five years on the date of application in supervisory position out of which at least three years shall be as Secretary or in a post considered equivalent or higher thereto by the Council in a company or body corporate having an aggregate paid-up capital of not less than rupees twenty five lacs; or
  5. is an Associate for a continuous period of not less then five years and possesses five years total experience in the disciplines of law, management or commerce either in a Group A post in the Central Govt. or any equivalent post in the State Government or Local authority or in a Supervisory position in any organization deemed by the Council as equivalent to the experience specified in clauses (c) or (d).

Provided that in the case of any person belonging to any of the classes mentioned in sub-regulations (1) or (2) who is not permanently residing in India, the Council may, by resolution impose such further conditions, as it may deem necessary or expedient.

Explanation - For purposes of Clause (d) of sub-regulations (2); a body corporate shall include a statutory body, a society registered under any law relating to societies or co-operative society registered under any law relating to co-operative societies and where such body corporate does not have any paid-up capital, general reserves of not less then rupees fifty lakhs shall be deemed to be equivalent to paid-up capital of rupees twenty five lakhs”

Upon his advancement to fellowship, the member is entitled to use the descriptive letters, FCS after his name to denote that he is a Fellow Member of the Institute.


  1. Application in Form-B duly completed in all respects and signed.
  2. Fellow Entrance fee Rs. 1000/-
    Fellow annual membership fee Rs. 1500/- (*)
    Total Rs. 2500/-

(*) In case Associate membership fee has already been paid, then the difference of Annual membership fee of ACS & FCS i.e. Rs.375/-.

In case of members claiming FCS on the basis of experience of employment:-
  1. Service certificate(s) from the employer(s) mentioning date of joining/leaving, nature of duties performed and the post(s) held and elevations, if any, from time to time;
  2. Certificate(s) from the past and present employer companies certifying paid-up capital, turnover and total assets of the companies for the relevant period of 5 years or annual reports of the company for the relevant period.
