CS Executive Important Topics for Dec 2021 Exam


CS Executive Important Topics – Commercial Laws Dec 2021

The following are the CS Executive Important questions that you must prepare well for Commercial Laws.

Chapter 1 – Constitution of India:

  • Concept of State
  • Federal nature of the Constitution
  • Fundamental duties
  • Difference between directive principles and fundamental rights
  • The Doctrine of eclipse and doctrine of pith and substance
  • Ordinance making powers of the President
  • Article 21 of the Indian Constitution
  • Can Parliament enact laws on items in the State List?
  • Write jurisdiction of courts and different types of writes

Chapter 2 – Interpretation of Statutes :

  • Short Note on Rule of ejusdem generis and the rule of literal construction
  • Internal Aids for interpretation
  • Short note on Noscitur a sociis Pari Materia
  • Discuss the rule of reasonable construction
  • Short notes on Heading, Title and Preamble

Chapter 3 -Law relating to Specific Relief, Arbitration and Conciliation, Torts and Limitation & Evidence

  • Persons against whom specific performance enforceable and not enforceable
  • Short note on declaratory decrees
  • Contracts which cannot be specifically enforceable
  • Short note on International Commercial Arbitration
  • Appointment of Arbitrators
  • Provisions for setting aside the arbitral award
  • Kinds of Tortious liability
  • Law of Limitation bars the remedy but does not extinguish the right – Comment
  • Facts of which evidence need not be given
  • Short note on Dying Declarations
  • When do the statements under special circumstances become relevant?

Chapter 4 – Law relating to transfer of property

  • Transfer for the benefit of unborn person
  • Doctrine of fraudulent transfer
  • Types of mortgage
  • Short note on Doctrine of Election
  • Distinguish between mortgage and charge
  • Doctrine of Lis Pendens
  • Doctrine of part performance of contracts

Chapter 5 – Law relating to stamps

  • Different methods of stamping
  • Time of stamping documents
  • Consequences of unstamping of documents
  • Short note on Denoting Duty

Chapter 6 – Law relating to registration of documents

  • Registration of wills
  • Time for registration of documents
  • Effects of non-registration
  • Documents whose registration is compulsory and whose registration is optional

Chapter 7 – Information Technology – an overview

  • Concept of Digital Signature
  • Legal recognition of electronic records
  • Certifying Authorities
  • Domain names & hacking
  • Difference between computer and computer network

Chapters 8 & 9 – Code of Civil and Criminal Procedure

  • Re judicata and Res sub-Judice
  • Place of suing
  • Distinguish between judgment, decree, and order
  • Distinguish between reference, review and revision
  • Distinguish between investigation, inquiry and trial
  • Powers of the police officer to arrest without warrant
  • Short note on power of Magistrate in case of apprehended danger

Chapter 10 – Law relating to RTI

  • Duties of a PIO
  • The categories of information exempted from the requirement of the RTI Act
  • Manner in which request can be made by a citizen for information under the RTI Act

CS Executive Important Topics – Company Law 2021

The following are the CS Executive Important questions that you must prepare well for Company Laws.

Chapters 1 – 5 – Company Incorporation etc.

  • Distinguish between company and partnership
  • Lifting of Corporate Veil
  • Concept of company as a citizen
  • Short note on illegal association
  • Legal position of promoters
  • Various clauses of MOA and AOA and their alteration
  • Doctrine of Ultra Vires
  • Statutory Corporations as State within the meaning of Article 12 of the Indian Constitution
  • Pre-incorporation contracts vs. Provisional Contracts

Chapters 6 – 11 – Financial Structure

  • Conclusiveness of Certificate of Incorporation
  • Issue of shares at premium
  • Liability for misstatement in a prospectus
  • Issue of shares on rights basis and bonus shares
  • Does forfeiture amounts to reduction of capital
  • Buy back of shares
  • Registration of charges
  • Short note on debentures and sweat equity shares
  • Forfeiture of shares and surrender of shares
  • Voting rights on preference shares

Chapters 12 – 13 Membership, depositories, and transfer/transmission

  • Modes of acquiring membership
  • Expulsion of a member
  • Rights of joint members
  • Transmission of shares and Nomination of shares

Chapter 14 – 18 – Management and Control of companies

  • Resignation of directors
  • Appointment of additional directors and directors appointed to fill casual vacancy
  • Office or place of profit
  • Liability of Non-Executive Directors
  • Appointment of director by small shareholders
  • Disqualifications of directors
  • Powers which the BOD may exercise only with the approval of shareholders
  • Disclosure of interest by directors
  • Officer in default
  • Appointment of Managing Director
  • Role of a company secretary
  • Short note on AGM
  • Duties and role of Chairman
  • Methods of ascertaining sense of the meeting
  • Proxy in general meetings
  • Passing of resolutions by way of postal ballot
  • Conduct of Board and General Meetings through videoconferencing

Chapter 19 – Investments and Loans

  • Investments to be held in company’s name
  • Inter-corporate loans and investments

Chapter 20 – Deposits

  • Small depositors
  • Advertisement for raising deposits

Chapter 21 – Accounts and Audit

  • Director’s responsibility statement
  • What are the various methods of appointing an auditor in a company?
  • Attachment of subsidiary accounts to the holding company
  • Liabilities of an auditor
  • Short note on Director’s Report and Audit Committee

Chapter 22 -Dividend

  • Transfers of profits to reserves before declaration of dividend
  • Short note on interim dividend
  • Investor Education and Protection Fund

Chapters 23 – 24 – Sole selling agent, accounts etc.

  • Attachment of accounts of subsidiary companies with the accounts of the holding company
  • Disclosures in the Director’s report pursuant to the listing agreement

Chapter 25 – 28 – Oppression and Mismanagement etc.

  • Statutory registers of a company
  • Investigation into the affairs of a company
  • Rule of Foss vs. Harbottle and its exceptions
  • Compromise and Arrangements

Other Chapters –

  • Law relating to trusts and societies
  • Concept of producer company
  • Short note on LLP
  • Short note on winding up of a company
  • Powers of a court to wind up a company
  • Short Note on DIN
  • Short notes on Back offices, front offices etc.

CS Executive Important Topics – Economic and Labour Laws 2021

The following are the CS Executive Important questions that you must prepare well for Labour Laws.

Chapter 1 – IDRA

  • Industrial Licence
  • Industrial Entrepreneur’s Memorandum
  • COB Licence
  • Calculation of value of plant and machinery
  • MSMED Act, 2006

Chapter 2 – Foreign Trade Policy and Procedures

  • Special Economic Zones
  • IEC Code
  • Vishesh Krishi and Gram Udyog Yojana
  • Focus Product and Focus Market Scheme

Chapters 3 – 6 – Trade, Competition and Consumer Protection

  • Regulation of Combinations in detail
  • Predatory Pricing and Bid Rigging
  • Abuse of Dominant Position
  • Short note on Competition Commission of India
  • Redressal Machinery under the Act
  • Definition of Consumer
  • Case laws on deficiency of service
  • Other case laws were given in the class

Chapters 7 & 8 – Essential Commodities and Standard of Weights and Measures

  • Powers of the CG under the Essential Commodities Act
  • Definition of Essential Commodities
  • Concept of seizure and confiscation of essential commodities
  • Declaration to be made on standard packages
  • Maximum permissible error
  • Short note on Principal Display Panel

Chapter 9 and 10 – FEMA & FCRA

  • Short note on permissible capital and current account transactions
  • Raising of funds through ADRs and GDRs
  • Direct Investment in a JV / Wholly owned subsidiary outside India
  • Establishment of branch, project and liaison offices
  • Concept of Authorised person
  • Restrictions on acceptance of foreign contributions by certain associations
  • Restrictions on acceptance of foreign hospitality

Chapters 11 & 12 – Pollution Laws

  • Concept of Sustainable development
  • Short note on Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991
  • Short note on Pollution Control Boards
  • Power of Central Government relating to entry, inspection and take samples etc.
  • Short note on environmental clearances
  • Short note on the case MC Mehta vs. The Union of India
  • Short note on Noise pollution
  • National Green Tribunal Act

Chapter 13 – Intellectual property rights

  • Contents of complete specification
  • Restoration of lapsed patents
  • Grant of Compulsory licenses in connection with IPRs
  • Concept of new inventions and patentable inventions
  • Removal of trademark for non-use
  • Short note on Collective Marks
  • Short note on assignment of copyrights

Chapter 14 – Prevention of Money Laundering

  • What is money laundering?
  • Short note on Financial Action Task Force

Chapter 15 – Minimum Wages Act, 1948

  • Mandatory payment of minimum wages to the workers

Chapters 16 – 17 – Payment of Bonus and Gratuity

  • Short notes on the amount of gratuity payable to a worker
  • Rights and obligations of employers w.r.t to payment of gratuity
  • Computation of bonus payable to the workers
  • Payment of Customary or interim bonus to the employees
  • Can gratuity payable to workers be attached by a decree of Court?

Chapters 18 – 19 – Provident Fund and ESI Act

  • Short note on Employees’ Provident Fund Scheme
  • What do you mean by Employees Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme
  • Short note on Employees’ State Insurance
  • What do you mean by employment injury under the ESI Act?

Chapters – 20 – 21 – Employees’ Compensation and Contract Labour

  • Employer’s liability for payment of compensation to workers when contractor is engaged
  • Distinguish between partial disablement and total disablement
  • Prohibition of employment of contract labor
  • Welfare and health of contract labor

Chapter 22 – Industrial Disputes Act

  • Unfair Labour Practices
  • Reference of industrial disputes through arbitration
  • Distinguish between lay off and lockout
  • Whether individual dispute can be said to be an industrial dispute?
  • Discuss the various types of strikes
  • Wages for the strike period

Chapter 23 – 24 –Standing Orders and Factories Act

  • Payment of subsistence allowance
  • Matters to be provided in the standing orders
  • Annual leave with wages
  • Definition of factory
  • What do you mean by the manufacturing process?
  • Who can be appointed as Occupier of factories?

CS Executive Important Topics 2021 – Securities Laws and Compliances

The following are the CS Executive Important questions that you must prepare well for Securities Laws and Compliances.

Chapter 1 & 2 – Securities Market

  • Powers and Role of SEBI
  • Relation between securities market and economic growth
  • Composition of SEBI and SAT

Chapters 3 & 4 – Money Market & Capital Market Instruments

  • Distinguish between Commercial Paper and Certificate of Deposit
  • Money market mutual funds
  • Short notes on tracking stocks and disaster bonds
  • What do mean by participatory notes ?
  • Short notes on ETFs, Hedge Funds & Fund of Funds
  • Short note on Secured premium notes and derivatives
  • Different kinds of bonds

Chapter 5 – Credit Rating

  • Standard rating symbols
  • Short note on rating process
  • Factors considered by rating agencies for rating

Chapter 6 – Capital Market Intermediaries

  • Short note on Merchant Bankers, RTAs and SROs
  • Obligations of Stock brokers and sub brokers
  • Obligations of the intermediaries under the Prevention of M L d i A Money Laundering Act
  • Obligations of underwriters and portfolio managers

Chapters 7 & 8 – Stock Exchanges

  • Recognition of Stock Exchanges
  • Application for listing of securities to SEs
  • Demutualisation of Stock Exchanges
  • Trading & Settlement Mechanism and STP
  • Market abuse mechanisms
  • Obligations under Cl. 49 of Listing Agreement

Chapter 9 – Mutual Funds

  • Different types of Mutual funds
  • Short note on Asset Management Company
  • Advertisement Code of Mutual Funds

Chapters 10 & 11 – Venture Capital and Collective Investment Scheme

  • Short notes on Foreign Venture capital investors
  • Short note on Collective Investment Scheme

Chapter 12 – Buy-Back of Securities

  • Securities not available for buy-back
  • Buy- back of shares from non-resident shareholders
  • Buy back through the book-building process

Chapter 13 – Depositories

  • Benefits of the depository system
  • Internal audit of operations of depository participants
  • Rights and obligations of the depository participants

Chapter 14 – Public Issue of Securities

  • Green Shoe Option
  • Different types of book building processes
  • Short note on Employee Stock Option Scheme
  • Short note on reservation on competitive basis
  • Short note on Fast Track Issues
  • Requirements of preferential allotment

Chapter 15 – Debt Market

  • Various types of debt market instruments
  • Debt market intermediaries
  • Short note on listing of debt securities

Chapters 16 – 18 – International Capital Market and Investor Protection

  • Short note on FCCBs and ECBs
  • Short notes on Road shows
  • Procedure for making issue of IDRs
  • Legal framework for investor protection in India
  • Who is an Ombudsman?

We hope this article on CS Executive Important Questions has helped you in preparing well for the upcoming exam. 

