CS Executive Important Topics for August 21 Exam


Commercial Laws June 2021

The following are the CS Executive Important questions that you must prepare well for Commercial Laws.

Chapter 1 – Constitution of India:

  • Concept of State
  • Federal nature of the Constitution
  • Fundamental duties
  • Difference between directive principles and fundamental rights
  • The Doctrine of eclipse and doctrine of pith and substance
  • Ordinance making powers of the President
  • Article 21 of the Indian Constitution
  • Can Parliament enact laws on items in the State List?
  • Write jurisdiction of courts and different types of writes

Chapter 2 – Interpretation of Statutes :

  • Short Note on Rule of ejusdem generis and the rule of literal construction
  • Internal Aids for interpretation
  • Short note on Noscitur a sociis Pari Materia
  • Discuss the rule of reasonable construction
  • Short notes on Heading, Title and Preamble


Chapter 3 -Law relating to Specific Relief, Arbitration and Conciliation, Torts and Limitation & Evidence

  • Persons against whom specific performance enforceable and not enforceable
  • Short note on declaratory decrees
  • Contracts which cannot be specifically enforceable
  • Short note on International Commercial Arbitration
  • Appointment of Arbitrators
  • Provisions for setting aside the arbitral award
  • Kinds of Tortious liability
  • Law of Limitation bars the remedy but does not extinguish the right – Comment
  • Facts of which evidence need not be given
  • Short note on Dying Declarations
  • When do the statements under special circumstances become relevant?

Chapter 4 – Law relating to transfer of property

  • Transfer for the benefit of unborn person
  • Doctrine of fraudulent transfer
  • Types of mortgage
  • Short note on Doctrine of Election
  • Distinguish between mortgage and charge
  • Doctrine of Lis Pendens
  • Doctrine of part performance of contracts

Chapter 5 – Law relating to stamps

  • Different methods of stamping
  • Time of stamping documents
  • Consequences of unstamping of documents
  • Short note on Denoting Duty

Chapter 6 – Law relating to registration of documents

  • Registration of wills
  • Time for registration of documents
  • Effects of non-registration
  • Documents whose registration is compulsory and whose registration is optional

Chapter 7 – Information Technology – an overview

  • Concept of Digital Signature
  • Legal recognition of electronic records
  • Certifying Authorities
  • Domain names & hacking
  • Difference between computer and computer network

Chapters 8 & 9 – Code of Civil and Criminal Procedure

  • Re judicata and Res sub-Judice
  • Place of suing
  • Distinguish between judgment, decree, and order
  • Distinguish between reference, review and revision
  • Distinguish between investigation, inquiry and trial
  • Powers of the police officer to arrest without warrant
  • Short note on power of Magistrate in case of apprehended danger

Chapter 10 – Law relating to RTI

  • Duties of a PIO
  • The categories of information exempted from the requirement of the RTI Act
  • The manner in which request can be made by a citizen for information under the RTI Act

Company Law 2021

The following are the CS Executive Important questions that you must prepare well for Company Laws.

Chapters 1 – 5 – Company Incorporation etc.

  • Distinguish between company and partnership
  • Lifting of Corporate Veil
  • Concept of company as a citizen
  • Short note on illegal association
  • Legal position of promoters
  • Various clauses of MOA and AOA and their alteration
  • Doctrine of Ultra Vires
  • Statutory Corporations as State within the meaning of Article 12 of the Indian Constitution
  • Pre-incorporation contracts vs. Provisional Contracts

Chapters 6 – 11 – Financial Structure

  • Conclusiveness of Certificate of Incorporation
  • Issue of shares at premium
  • Liability for misstatement in a prospectus
  • Issue of shares on rights basis and bonus shares
  • Does forfeiture amounts to reduction of capital
  • Buy back of shares
  • Registration of charges
  • Short note on debentures and sweat equity shares
  • Forfeiture of shares and surrender of shares
  • Voting rights on preference shares

Chapters 12 – 13 Membership, depositories, and transfer/transmission

  • Modes of acquiring membership
  • Expulsion of a member
  • Rights of joint members
  • Transmission of shares and Nomination of shares

Chapter 14 – 18 – Management and Control of companies

  • Resignation of directors
  • Appointment of additional directors and directors appointed to fill casual vacancy
  • Office or place of profit
  • Liability of Non-Executive Directors
  • Appointment of director by small shareholders
  • Disqualifications of directors
  • Powers which the BOD may exercise only with the approval of shareholders
  • Disclosure of interest by directors
  • Officer in default
  • Appointment of Managing Director
  • Role of a company secretary
  • Short note on AGM
  • Duties and role of Chairman
  • Methods of ascertaining sense of the meeting
  • Proxy in general meetings
  • Passing of resolutions by way of postal ballot
  • Conduct of Board and General Meetings through videoconferencing

Chapter 19 – Investments and Loans

  • Investments to be held in the company’s name
  • Inter-corporate loans and investments

Chapter 20 – Deposits

  • Small depositors
  • Advertisement for raising deposits


Chapter 21 – Accounts and Audit

  • Director’s responsibility statement
  • What are the various methods of appointing an auditor in a company?
  • Attachment of subsidiary accounts to the holding company
  • Liabilities of an auditor
  • Short note on Director’s Report and Audit Committee

Chapter 22 -Dividend

  • Transfers of profits to reserves before the declaration of dividend
  • Short note on interim dividend
  • Investor Education and Protection Fund

Chapters 23 – 24 – Sole selling agent, accounts etc.

  • Attachment of accounts of subsidiary companies with the accounts of the holding company
  • Disclosures in the Director’s report pursuant to the listing agreement

Chapter 25 – 28 – Oppression and Mismanagement etc.

  • Statutory registers of a company
  • Investigation into the affairs of a company
  • Rule of Foss vs. Harbottle and its exceptions
  • Compromise and Arrangements

Other Chapters –

  • Law relating to trusts and societies
  • Concept of producer company
  • Short note on LLP
  • Short note on winding up of a company
  • Powers of a court to wind up a company
  • Short Note on DIN
  • Short notes on Back offices, front offices etc.

Economic and Labour Laws 2021

The following are the CS Executive Important questions that you must prepare well for Labour Laws.

Chapter 1 – IDRA

  • Industrial Licence
  • Industrial Entrepreneur’s Memorandum
  • COB Licence
  • Calculation of value of plant and machinery
  • MSMED Act, 2006

Chapter 2 – Foreign Trade Policy and Procedures

  • Special Economic Zones
  • IEC Code
  • Vishesh Krishi and Gram Udyog Yojana
  • Focus Product and Focus Market Scheme

Chapters 3 – 6 – Trade, Competition and Consumer Protection

  • Regulation of Combinations in detail
  • Predatory Pricing and Bid Rigging
  • Abuse of Dominant Position
  • Short note on Competition Commission of India
  • Redressal Machinery under the Act
  • Definition of Consumer
  • Case laws on the deficiency of service
  • Other case laws were given in the class

Chapters 7 & 8 – Essential Commodities and Standard of Weights and Measures

  • Powers of the CG under the Essential Commodities Act
  • Definition of Essential Commodities
  • Concept of seizure and confiscation of essential commodities
  • Declaration to be made on standard packages
  • Maximum permissible error
  • Short note on Principal Display Panel

Chapter 9 and 10 – FEMA & FCRA

  • Short note on permissible capital and current account transactions
  • Raising of funds through ADRs and GDRs
  • Direct Investment in a JV / Wholly owned subsidiary outside India
  • Establishment of branch, project and liaison offices
  • Concept of Authorised person
  • Restrictions on acceptance of foreign contributions by certain associations
  • Restrictions on acceptance of foreign hospitality

Chapters 11 & 12 – Pollution Laws

  • Concept of Sustainable development
  • Short note on Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991
  • Short note on Pollution Control Boards
  • Power of Central Government relating to entry, inspection and take samples etc.
  • Short note on environmental clearances
  • Short note on the case MC Mehta vs. The Union of India
  • Short note on Noise pollution
  • National Green Tribunal Act

Chapter 13 – Intellectual property rights

  • Contents of complete specification
  • Restoration of lapsed patents
  • Grant of Compulsory licenses in connection with IPRs
  • Concept of new inventions and patentable inventions
  • Removal of trademark for non-use
  • Short note on Collective Marks
  • Short note on assignment of copyrights

Chapter 14 – Prevention of Money Laundering

  • What is money laundering?
  • Short note on Financial Action Task Force


Chapter 15 – Minimum Wages Act, 1948

  • Mandatory payment of minimum wages to the workers

Chapters 16 – 17 – Payment of Bonus and Gratuity

  • Short notes on the amount of gratuity payable to a worker
  • Rights and obligations of employers w.r.t to payment of gratuity
  • Computation of bonus payable to the workers
  • Payment of Customary or interim bonus to the employees
  • Can gratuity payable to workers be attached by a decree of the Court?

Chapters 18 – 19 – Provident Fund and ESI Act

  • Short note on Employees’ Provident Fund Scheme
  • What do you mean by Employees Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme
  • Short note on Employees’ State Insurance
  • What do you mean by employment injury under the ESI Act?

Chapters – 20 – 21 – Employees’ Compensation and Contract Labour

  • Employer’s liability for payment of compensation to workers when contractor is engaged
  • Distinguish between partial disablement and total disablement
  • Prohibition of employment of contract labor
  • Welfare and health of contract labor

Chapter 22 – Industrial Disputes Act

  • Unfair Labour Practices
  • Reference of industrial disputes through arbitration
  • Distinguish between lay off and lockout
  • Whether individual dispute can be said to be an industrial dispute?
  • Discuss the various types of strikes
  • Wages for the strike period

Chapter 23 – 24 –Standing Orders and Factories Act

  • Payment of subsistence allowance
  • Matters to be provided in the standing orders
  • Annual leave with wages
  • Definition of factory
  • What do you mean by the manufacturing process?
  • Who can be appointed as Occupier of factories?

 Securities Laws and Compliances

The following are the CS Executive Important questions that you must prepare well for Securities Laws and Compliances.

Chapter 1 & 2 – Securities Market

  • Powers and Role of SEBI
  • Relation between securities market and economic growth
  • Composition of SEBI and SAT

Chapters 3 & 4 – Money Market & Capital Market Instruments

  • Distinguish between Commercial Paper and Certificate of Deposit
  • Money market mutual funds
  • Short notes on tracking stocks and disaster bonds
  • What do mean by participatory notes ?
  • Short notes on ETFs, Hedge Funds & Fund of Funds
  • Short note on Secured premium notes and derivatives
  • Different kinds of bonds

Chapter 5 – Credit Rating

  • Standard rating symbols
  • Short note on rating process
  • Factors considered by rating agencies for rating

Chapter 6 – Capital Market Intermediaries

  • Short note on Merchant Bankers, RTAs and SROs
  • Obligations of Stock brokers and sub brokers
  • Obligations of the intermediaries under the Prevention of M L d i A Money Laundering Act
  • Obligations of underwriters and portfolio managers

Chapters 7 & 8 – Stock Exchanges

  • Recognition of Stock Exchanges
  • Application for listing of securities to SEs
  • Demutualisation of Stock Exchanges
  • Trading & Settlement Mechanism and STP
  • Market abuse mechanisms
  • Obligations under Cl. 49 of Listing Agreement

Chapter 9 – Mutual Funds

  • Different types of Mutual funds
  • Short note on Asset Management Company
  • Advertisement Code of Mutual Funds

Chapters 10 & 11 – Venture Capital and Collective Investment Scheme

  • Short notes on Foreign Venture capital investors
  • Short note on Collective Investment Scheme

Chapter 12 – Buy-Back of Securities

  • Securities not available for buy-back
  • Buy- back of shares from non-resident shareholders
  • Buy back through the book-building process

Chapter 13 – Depositories

  • Benefits of the depository system
  • Internal audit of operations of depository participants
  • Rights and obligations of the depository participants

Chapter 14 – Public Issue of Securities

  • Green Shoe Option
  • Different types of book building processes
  • Short note on Employee Stock Option Scheme
  • Short note on reservation on competitive basis
  • Short note on Fast Track Issues
  • Requirements of preferential allotment

Chapter 15 – Debt Market

  • Various types of debt market instruments
  • Debt market intermediaries
  • Short note on listing of debt securities

Chapters 16 – 18 – International Capital Market and Investor Protection

  • Short note on FCCBs and ECBs
  • Short notes on Road shows
  • Procedure for making issue of IDRs
  • Legal framework for investor protection in India
  • Who is an Ombudsman?

We hope this article on CS Executive Important Questions has helped you in preparing well for the upcoming exam. 

